Posts Tagged ‘baked cheesecake’

Honey Pistachio Cheesecake | I Spy Plum Pie

Recipe: Honey Pistachio Cheesecake

A little while ago I was on cake duty for a work birthday and cheesecake was requested. I decided to make something I hadn’t tried before, and the result was this honey pistachio cheesecake. Like all baked cheesecakes it’s a little time consuming to make, but thankfully very simple. Most importantly, it’s delicious!


Recipe: Baked Lemon Cheesecake

Cheesecake isn’t something I make very often, but I had my folks over for dinner recently and my dad had mentioned he wanted a lemon cheesecake so lemon cheesecake for dessert it was! It was much easier than I remembered, you just have to be prepared so you have enough time for it to cool down properly. I decided to go a little fancy and made a balsamic strawberry sauce to pour on top, but it would still be delicious with just a sprinkling of icing sugar.
