Posts Tagged ‘cheesecake’

Honey Pistachio Cheesecake | I Spy Plum Pie

Recipe: Honey Pistachio Cheesecake

A little while ago I was on cake duty for a work birthday and cheesecake was requested. I decided to make something I hadn’t tried before, and the result was this honey pistachio cheesecake. Like all baked cheesecakes it’s a little time consuming to make, but thankfully very simple. Most importantly, it’s delicious!


Blueberry Passionfruit Cheesecake Slice | I Spy Plum Pie

Recipe: Blueberry Passionfruit Cheesecake Slice

Before I went to New Zealand I promised my colleagues I’d bring in a morning tea treat and this blueberry passionfruit cheesecake slice was the end result. It’s deliciously rich and creamy and definitely made for a happy Monday in the office!


Recipe: Raspberry White Chocolate Cheesecake Slice

After a long time without doing pretty much any baking I’ve gotten back into the swing of things lately and this raspberry white chocolate cheesecake slice is one of my new favourites! It’s so delicious plus it’s both easy to prepare and can be made in advance – how’s that for perfect!


Recipe: Passionfruit Cheesecake Slice

When we first arrived in Australia we knew quite literally no-one in Melbourne but thankfully a few months later my sister started kindergarten and mum became fast friends with some of the other kinder mums. Some 26 years later these people have become more like family than friends to us, and last weekend we farewelled the childhood home of one of them with an afternoon tea, to which I took along this passionfruit cheesecake slice.


Recipe: Baked Lemon Cheesecake

Cheesecake isn’t something I make very often, but I had my folks over for dinner recently and my dad had mentioned he wanted a lemon cheesecake so lemon cheesecake for dessert it was! It was much easier than I remembered, you just have to be prepared so you have enough time for it to cool down properly. I decided to go a little fancy and made a balsamic strawberry sauce to pour on top, but it would still be delicious with just a sprinkling of icing sugar.


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